This cool 1957 Ford Thunderbird came to the V8 Speed & Resto Shop in tribute to the owner’s Father who owned several of these cool Birds over the years. Today, we’re going to make this one more powerful and reliable for years of trouble-free cruising. The V8 Speed & Resto Shop team will be installing a custom chassis, complete with Wilwood brakes, coil-over shocks, and upgrade the sway bars for better handling. The ‘Bird will have far more Thunder thanks to a new Ford Racing 5.0 V8 cranking out 430 HP and over 400 lbs.-ft. of torque. Additionally, we’re installing a 6-speed automatic transmission spinning that steam back to a new 9″ rear axle. Upgraded audio and lighting will make it even more fun to drive. Follow along as we make the upgrades on this slick ’57 Thunderbird!
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Contact the V8 Speed & Resto Shop with all your Classic or Muscle Car needs today!
817 S. MAIN STREET – RED BUD, IL 62278
Author: David Smith
Content: A 57 T-Bird with a modern frame, suspension, brakes and the Coyote done right is one awesome vehicle. Congrats to the lady who owns it. I’m jealous!
Author: Charles Dalton
Content: Absolutely stunning, thank you for taking us along on the journey. The new parts look like the grew there – outstanding workmanship! The talent and time put into this show.
Author: DIY Life
Content: Awesome Video! The work ethic & talent you guys have is unmatched!
Author: KFH
Content: Making dreams come true, and doing it right… Well Done Guys!!!
Author: Bob Little
Content: Nice job, great classic looks and modern power and amenities !
If you are nostalgic about how a 50’s ear car drove, well you haven’t driven one lately!
Author: Neil
Content: Well done. Great build and content. I can’t imagine this old Bird with that kind of power. Seeing the T-bird without the skirts looks odd to me. Looks like a new car going down the road with the temp spare tire. LOL
Author: James Hutchins
Content: Drive the wheels off of it, rebuild and repeat. Wonderful combination with beautiful results
Author: Jack Cieminski
Content: You guys did an absolutely incredible job! Well…except for those cup holders 🤣
Author: GPLIPP
Content: You’ve knocked it out of the park on this one!! Well done! Whatever the money
Author: Lance Norton
Content: What a Fantastic build. If I had the money without diving into retirement funds I would LOVE to do this with our 55 Thunderbird.
Author: Michael Murphy
Content: I have a ’57 Ford Fairlane with a 390 fe engine that I put air-conditioning in myself then power steering with a friendly mechanic, now it’s a pleasure to drive. Putting a new Holly carb next week or so, summers coming and so is the fun!
Author: Man Her
Content: It’s absolutely perfect and I’d happily keep it for life lol that is all. Great video
Author: JSR Roadrash
Content: Absolutely beautiful your team does awesome work. Maybe some day you can build my dream car.
Author: Jason Hull
Content: Well done! The car and the video!
Author: Devin Laboda
Content: Absolutely amazing. My dream car on steroids! I need it!!!
Author: C Smith
Content: Great job, as usual.
Author: Hot Chihuahua
Content: Very few thunderbirds appeal to me , this was one that did . Strangely Ford went another directing with the Thunderbird as compared to the Corvette .
I would be curious as to what the final dollar amount will be for this project .
Author: Nicky Naime
Content: Many times classics come in Tri’s…the 55-57 T-Bird is a prime example, then you have others like the 55-57 Chevy BelAirs, 67-69 Camaros, 68-70 Chevelles, 68-70 Road Runners, 64-66 T-Birds, 68-70 Chargers, 68-70 SuperBees, 70-72 Monte Carlos….shall I continue???🧐….ok lets add the 64-66 Chrysler Crown Imperial…………I can continue further if you like.☝🧐
Author: Ryan Beers
Content: I honestly think that thing would rip your skin off with the coyote if you stuffed a blower a.k.a huffer (supercharger) on to it 🙂😂🤣👍👍..!!
Author: When Better Cars Are Built
Content: In a practical sense, greatly improved. But it breaks my heart to see a once properly restored classic ruined like this. I have owned 6 1956 and 1957 T-Birds. I have taken them on 5000 mile round trips more than a few times. I had no complaints.
Author: stusoldcars
Content: Lovely 👍
Author: Larry W
Content: Problem with a coyote swap is the coyote lol!! Rather put 7.3 Godzilla motor in it.. Much simpler engine to maintain and fix when needed.. Basically a LS Ford engine!
Author: Kenan Turkiye
Content: Work of art.
However I personaly would prefer it with them wires and whitewalls. -> 0:27
Author: Dad73
Content: Amazing
Author: Irving Houston
Content: The baby bird is an underrated car. Looks aggressive. Looks sleek and timeless. A true classic those 55-57 baby birds. 3,100 pounds from the factory. Tons of room under that hood for boost.
Author: Charles Dalton
Content: The clean presentation, as in how original it looks while still modified, hides the complexity of the work to make it happen. Outstanding craftsmanship! And congratulations on 100K as well.
Author: Plymouth Die-Cast Replicas
Content: What a sound of the power plant! Just a Thunderbird with the thunderstorm under the hood! Very impressive, V8TV guys.
Author: Mr. Xyrz Mxyzptlk 🧠🪬
Content: A good restomod eliminates all the drawbacks of owning a classic, mechanically obsolete musclecar. I love the fact that these things just seem to get more popular every day. Unless it’s something ultra rare and valuable, bone stock is not for me. Nice work Kevin. 🏆
Author: Hillbilly Scholar
Content: Good to see a Ford engine being installed in the classic T-Bird.
Author: Stevie Ray
Content: As much as I acknowledge the excellent craftsmanship, I’m feeling very ambivalent about restomods. 🤨Nothing wrong about subtle upgrades but if taken to extremes, it’s basically an evisceration, keeping nothing but the car’s outer shell. In my mind, true appreciation of classic cars comes with a certain sense of responsibility for preserving and maintaining all of it, not just the shiny, convenient parts. It’s like saying “I adore cute minks and foxes so much! 🥰That’s why I had them made into a fur coat for me.”
Author: Modern Driveline
Content: Consistently turning out top quality resotorations, modifications and great looking cars. These are the professionals you want working on your classic.
Author: James Hutchins
Content: Just about perfect. Hope the owner loves it
Author: deltabloo
Content: That last clip driving down the road sounded awesome!
Author: Robert Wright
Content: I saw aT bird years ago at good guys In Scottsdale with a 427 sohc engine. The car was really clean.
Author: Robert Dake
Content: Excellent Choices & a Great Job !
Author: Rene Stover
Content: What a Prize!
Author: Doug Marshall
Content: Hello,
Can you guys tell me what coil rates you used as I am currently doing a 55 Bird with coil overs?
Thanks…nice build!
Author: Harry Fairman
Content: Sweet very nice rebuild
Author: Eva Silvagni
Content: Seems a Panhard rod would help in the back.
Author: chisel83
Content: 👍awesome as always
Author: Chris N.
Content: If you did it again, would you have chosen a different (smaller) motor?
Author: M A
Content: You didn’t put an engine turned plate on dash controls for A/C? Tell us about steering column.
Author: Pat Mason
Content: Sweet. Glad they didn’t ruin it with a Chevy engine.
Author: sorshia emms
Author: Ross Walker
Content: I wish
Author: Larry Norsworthy
Content: All the right decisions. I am a home remodeling guy. I can truly appreciate what goes into this. Great work!
Author: Charles Dalton
Content: Thanks for stepping us through some of the details, looking forward to part two! With that chassis and Coyote engine, this thing is going to be incredible. And, Mr Clarke, excellent voice over intro. 🍻
Author: Ross Walker
Content: I think that it’s a logical decision to upgrade!
Author: Rainer Ko.
Content: I m Owner of a 56 Thunderbird. The 55, 56 and 57 are the most beautiful ones. I love my Grandpa ✌️👍 Greetings from Germany✌️👋
Author: oi32df
Content: Those few seconds of the bare chassis is more interesting than that of the new Tundra which is everywhere on yt right now .
Author: Alan Bycroft
Content: I am so, “I hate to see this done to a CLASSIC car!” to…”I can’t wait to see this done with this CLASSIC car!”
Author: Arthur Beowulfe
Content: The reason they had so much bump steer with that funky steering dampener on the drag link
Author: GPLIPP
Content: This is going to be fun. Addressing the …uh…. Undesirable Steering is sooo important.
Author: Irving Houston
Content: 3100 pounds from the factory . Baby birds are awesome.
Author: Allen Allen
Content: As cool as the classic cars with modern drivetrains are I prefer the original cars as they were..
Author: JimmyinTEXAS
Content: She will have fun, fun, fun till the police take her T-bird away… Hummm, That sounds like it has a song in it…
Author: Jana El
Content: shiiiii thats a clean car
Author: Adrian Balboa
Content: You should put in electric motor with speakers to sound like a v8. That would be cool not.
Author: Aspie Otaku
Content: Omg i want.